Time to unveil the power of Kiwifruit. So let’s take a quick dive into the science!
Kiwi crushes oranges having double the vitamin C. And those perfect red strawberries? Crushed as well. Kiwis are packed with vitamin E and K. Much more than you’d find in apples, bananas, and blueberries. Did you know the vitamin E content is twice that of avocado?
A single kiwi has as much potassium as 1 medium sized banana. Kiwi is also an excellent source of folic acid. And it scores really good for copper as well.
Kiwi for Dieting
Kiwi is perfect for dieting. A medium sized one contains roughly 50 calories, and it beats most fruits on fiber content. And we all know, fiber is really important for enhancing fullness.
Immune System and Sleep
Turns out just eating Kiwis can reduce the incidence and symptoms of the common cold and flu. Now, we all know how vital sleep is for health and fitness. Research showed that eating kiwis can help with transitioning into sleep. It also increases duration and quality of sleep.
Eating kiwis help with digestion of proteins in the stomach and intestine. And it even enhances iron absorption. Remember the high fiber contents of Kiwifruit? That helps with constipation as well.
And it’s safe to say, a kiwi a day keeps the doctor away.