नेपालकाे पर्यावरणीय कृषिकाे मार्गचित्र माथि दोश्रो राष्ट्रिय परामर्श गोष्ठी सम्पन्न | चितवन महाेत्सवमा पर्यावरणीय कृषिकाे पैरवी | 'परागसेचक र परागसेचन माथिकाे राष्ट्रिय कार्यशाला' गाेष्ठि सम्पन्न | कृषि विकास रणनीति परिमार्जनकाे लागि खाद्यका लागि कृषि अभियानसँग छलफल सम्पन्न | न्यायपूर्ण जलवायु वित्तकाे लागि जनमार्च : फाेटाे फिचर | नेपालको समकालीन उत्पादन प्रणालीमाथि प्रश्न उठाउँदै शिल्पि कला समूह चितवनमा | नाटक प्रदर्शनी र रैथाने खाना खाएर समापन भयो खाद्य दिवस २०२४ | समापन भयाे खाद्य दिवस २०२४ : फाेटाे फिचर | साेलुखुम्बुकाे रैथाने स्वाद काठमान्डाैमा : फाेटाे फिचर | भृकुटिमण्डपमा सुरु भयाे अर्गानीक व्यापार मेला : फाेटाे फिचर |

For the first time in the country’s history, the government has set a standard for beaten rice, a popular traditional food item used as snacks across the country.

The Department of Food Technology and Quality Control says it has recently defined beaten rice, locally called chiura, as a human food product and set the standard of quality for commercial purposes.

This act has begun the system of standardising traditional food items of the country, claims the department’s Director-General Matina Joshi Baidya. A cabinet meeting held on Monday this week approved a proposal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development on the quality standard of beaten rice, according to her.

As per the set standard, there will be two types of beaten rice: normal and roasted. Different standards have been set for production, processing, packaging, handling, storing, and supply management of beaten rice.



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